iPEGS Remote – New Features Release

By |2020-06-22T08:35:42+00:00June 22nd, 2020|App updates|

The iPEGS development team have been hard at work improving our products with new features and functions which we are pleased to announce for Summer 2020: iPEGS Remote New Features 1. Mandatory Field Highlight (Yellow) After feedback from our customers we have now given you the option to change the Highlight Colour for mandatory fields

Steps Towards A Paperless Existence

By |2024-03-01T14:54:51+00:00January 12th, 2016|Paperless Benefits|

Going paperless is a terrifying thought. We are all wedded to a culture of printing, reading and chucking, or, maybe recycling. But not only does being wasteful with paper make our green side feel guilty; once the costs of paper, printing and (for big business) recycling are counted, the economic and environmental impacts are staggering.

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