The iPEGS team continue our drive to improve our products and services with new features and functions which are detailed in this article:

1. Conditional Logic: 

We have continued to develop our conditional logic functions with:

> Option to make Hidden fields mandatory once shown
> Ability to Show/Hide Tables
> ‘Field Value’ option to enable field auto population from another field in the form
> Setting to not include Hidden fields in the PDF (only shown fields)

  2. Image / Text Blur: 

Need to check someones ID but have concerns about GDPR? You can now ‘Check’ an Image or Text and once checked the image/text can either be blurred (beyond recognition) or deleted. The advantage of blurring the image/text means that you have a record that the information was uploaded and checked but no personal data on the ID is retained.

3. Sub Folders: 

You can now add Sub Folders to your Submitted Forms section – this will help improve navigation and form management.

  4. Separate Dedicated Database (Single Tenant): 

We are now offering you the option of having your own separate and dedicated database (single tenant). The benefits of this include:

> Improved Security: with single-tenancy, each customer’s data is completely isolated from other customers.
> Improved Performance: Web Form and Web Portal loading times will be significantly improved
> Improved Restoration and Backup: Since each client’s database has an isolated backup, it becomes easier to restore or backup the database in a single-tenant structure.

This does not mean that your current iPEGS Set Up is not secure as each iPEGS account is separated and encrypted but on a shared instance.

  5. 2 Factor Authentication (2FA – SMS/Email):

With a Separate Dedicated Database we are now offering the option of 2 Factor Authentication. The major benefit of 2FA is:

> Improved Security: Since a password is more likely to be lost or forgotten, many people remember them by writing down therefore exposing them to hackers. 2FA effectively deals with this problem by providing a unique OTP (one time password) for every transaction or log in attempt. By requiring a second form of identification, 2FA decreases the probability that an attacker can impersonate a user and gain access to your iPEGS account. Even if a fraudster gains access to a password, they won’t have the second element required to authenticate. 2FA is one of the most effective ways of reducing data theft, hacking and phishing. Many banks and financial institutions now offer 2 factor authentication to its customers.

6. Tutorial Videos:

We have now added a Tutorials section on the Web Portal with some ‘How To’ Videos (more to be added).

If you have any questions in relation to the new features please contact:

Coming Soon

New items in the pipeline include:

• OneFile API Integration
• Enrola API Integration
• Save & Load Temp Data
• Option to Include/Not Include Date in Signatures
• Form Logs (available to account holders)
• Upload File Types (PDF/Doc/Zip)
• Batch PDF Download
• Portal Navigation/Menu Improvements


Covid-19 Update

Amid the progression of COVID-19, we at iPEGS have implemented home working for the entire team. We remain committed to providing our highly responsive service to our customers.

iPEGS already had in place the necessary infrastructure for all employees to work from home. We have adequate tools to work efficiently from remote locations to continue business as usual.

We understand that this could be the new reality for many months ahead and we will assess the status of COVID-19 on a weekly basis.

As always – if you have any questions or need any form of support please email or catch us on Live Chat via the website.