A trip to the dentist is something that cannot be avoided. Dental practices see vast amounts of patients each day resulting in printing huge amounts of paper based documents for patients to complete, sign and to then be manually inputted into their system. For some practices, once this form has been completed it is then scanned onto a management system and then shredded which is an unproductive, costly and a time consuming process.

We provide a solution to this problem, enabling patients to fill in medical history forms and sign treatment plans digitally through the iPEGS app using an iPAD or tablet. This document can then be converted to a pdf, excel, word, csv or an xml document and stored onto your patients record or emailed directly to the customer or healthcare professional.

Our practice surveys allow businesses to understand and improve on the service and environment that they offer for their clients. This allows management teams to analyse this data through the advanced reporting feature.

iPEGS will allow you to access a range of branded and customised electronic forms for your patients to complete and sign at the surgery using an iPAD or any device. You can also send the form electronically to your patients to complete and sign prior to their appointment via iPEGS Remote. Once completed, this can then be stored on your computer, CRM system or saved on the iPEGS portal for reference.

If you are interested in finding out how iPEGS can work within your business then please contact us on info@ipegs.co.uk