In fact, your insurance policy demands it and they can be quite specific. 

Therapists are faced with mountains of paper consent forms, as your client base increases. Paper consent forms are insecure, inefficient and expensive. Storing forms on a hard drive is more efficient, but leaves you at risk from computer crashes, virus and malware.

iPEGS Paperless forms are the perfect solution. You free up valuable space, meaning no more clunky filing cabinets. iPEGS allows you to use your company branding and easily build and edit your forms. Search for your clients using our advanced search feature and manage your electronic forms into folders.

Forms don’t go missing like paper ones, which is vital for future reference or if a claim was to arise. 

Mandatory fields mean you will never receive incomplete forms with important missing information. Going paperless also means you can easily implement the latest GDPR consent requests.


For Yoga, Pilates, Fitness, Meditation or Mediumship you must record the client’s name and brief details and record the date of the session and any other relevant facts.

Ensure that there is no health reason why clients should not attend class. If in doubt you should ask for their GP’s confirmation that they can safely participate in your class. 

At the start of each class please ask all participants is there any change in their circumstances. Any that could affect their ability to participate in and complete the class safely.

Insurers will be ask you to produce your records of the client/event,In the event of a claim,


Where therapists work in a gym, sports or leisure centre, or a shared practice often the centre keeps these records.  

You must advise the centre of any unusual events or of any injuries sustained during your class. 

You must ensure that the Centre gives you access to these records. In the event of a claim being made against you.


If you give therapy sessions at public events, a great way to increase your client base, the name and brief details of every participant, date of session and therapy being demonstrated and any other relevant facts must be recorded.

iPEGS provides quick and easy way to quickly access and complete consent forms, consultation forms and medical history forms on an iPad, Tablet, Smart Phone or Laptop. This avoids discouraging queues and saves you and the client valuable time. Mandatory fields mean you will never receive incomplete forms missing important information.

After the event you can access and safely store the data on the iPEGS secure web portal. By incorporating marketing permissions on the registration form you can easily follow up and increase your client base by exporting this data from iPEGS.

Remember in the event of a claim you will be asked to produce your records of the client/event.


You are required to take consultation records and retain those records, one policy I checked asked for five years, but most require seven years, after the last treatment given. 

In the case of minors, insurers advise that records should be kept for at least 7 years after the minor reaches 18.

The records should as a minimum have the client’s full name, date of consultation and notes on the lifestyle/medical history where appropriate to the treatment being given. 

They should at least include a brief description of the therapy or treatment. 

The therapist must adequately record each and every treatment given to each and every client. 

The record is to include full details of the consultation process, the treatment, the result of the treatment and any aftercare instructions given where appropriate.

Notes need to be added of any adverse reaction to the therapy or treatment either separately or as part of the notes already used.

In the event of a claim you will be asked to produce your records of the client/event. The insured person must adequately record each and every treatment given to each and every client. This is to protect you in the event of a claim being made against you. 


By using the iPEGS Paperless System for your Consultation Forms, Consent Forms, Medical Histories and Treatment Plans. You can be sure that your data is safe. Saved to the cloud there is no risk of a computer breakdown losing all your data. As the data processor we store and encrypt your data in a secure, state of the art, UK data centre.

We are Cyber Essentials Certified giving you peace of mind that our defences will protect against the most common cyber-attacks.

We have achieved the IASME governance standard in relation to GDPR where we have demonstrated wider governance for management of the controls protecting personal data.

If you would like to know more please email us: