If you have an event planned at a trade show, conference or exhibition, make sure that you maximise your conversion potential by capturing this important data electronically. 

Use this example template for free and add your own logo:

Completing is simple: 

> Event attendee uses a tablet or iPAD at your stand to submit a simple contact form.

> Once a form is submitted the screen is automatically refreshed ready for the next lead. 

> Submitted forms are automatically stored in the secure portal which you have complimentary access to within your designated account. 

> You can view, search and manage your completed forms and export your data into your CRM system from the portal.

Why use iPEGS at your event?

  • You won’t lose any leads, in comparison to using paper based forms.
  • Quality, readable forms are completed instead of trying to figure out poor handwriting.
  • No missing information, as form fields can be set as mandatory. 
  • The data that you wish to gather can be customised for the event.
  • All leads can be imported directly into your CRM System, so no data entry time needed. 
  • Using this method complies with GDPR Regulations. 
  • Organise exhibitions and leads captured into digital folders within your account. 
  • Forms can be completed on any device and are IOS and Android compatible.
  • It is free to upload your logo, use a free template and customise using the simple to use form builder.

How do I get Started?

Create an Account HERE

Just add credits – PRICING 

Have any questions? Contact us by email sales@ipegs.co.uk